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Instagram: bananamin12 | Twitter: gerger1212 | YouTube: 口罩姐姐蕉旻

目前分類:BTS World (4)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要


It leaves me feeling seasick baby 
꿈 같은 현실 깊이 갇혔나 봐 看來是如夢的現實把我綑在深處
It spins me round and drives me crazy 
한낮의 뜬 달 같은 나인가봐 看來我就像在白日冒升的月亮

만약 나 혼자 였다면 萬一我是獨自一人
혹시 눈물났다면 說不定落淚了的話
포기 했을지 몰라 也許就此放棄


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I kick out the door yeah I kick out the door
Go grab the mic and I let out the sore
This my fanmail wanna give out my heart
This an archive I just record the flow
Come to my studio, magic happens
Two step chillin’ this feels classic
Ain’t no job with no stress, no pressin


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무서움과 두려움 다 膽怯和恐懼 全都
헤쳐 나아 갈 수 있을까? 能解除 變得更好嗎?

최면에 취한 듯 像在催眠之中
나를 잡아당겨 이끌었어 把我抓住拉扯著
무언가에 홀린 듯 像被什麼迷惑住
내 안의 목소리를 듣게 됐어 聽見了我內裡的聲音

닿지 않아도 선명한 미래의 파편 即使不能觸碰也好 鮮明未來的碎片


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I spend my whole life following the night time
Can’t see the stop sign what you gonna say (Hey)
Wandering quietly right into my dreams
It’s all that I see what you gonna say (Hey)

Always feeling something bigger something real wild
Keep on shining make it brighter than a spotlight

Sometimes I stop and stare


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